About Neotransport Europe

Trusted Throughout the Industry.

Over 45 years experience in the medical technology field, specialising in neonatal medical care, Neotransport Europe is the EU representative for the Australian manufacturing company Wenross Holdings Pty Ltd. We enjoy a very well-established & close working relationship, built-up over many years.

Our goal is to deliver the best solutions for neonatal transport throughout Europe. All equipment is handmade and we offer a customised design of our transport systems that meets the specific requirements of each client.

Innovation, trust and a customised approach to technology solutions

These are the hallmarks of our business for nearly half a century. The company Medical Market AB, which was formed 1976 in Sweden by Perka Felländer, pioneered to market the first volumetric infusion pump from IMED that revolutionised the IV field for adult and paediatric patients. It was the first-time IV fluids and drugs could be administered in a controlled way with exceptional accuracy.

And in 2009, we successfully introduced the Mansell Neocot transport incubator to Europe, winning the tender for the Stockholm region. Demonstrating our unique, nimble and custom-ability, we later initiated the invention of a special custom-version to fit into the EC-135 helicopter. All Mansell Neocot transport incubators are still in use in Sweden. The Neocot capsule is the most spacious in the world and has the greatest access to the newborn.

In 2015 Medical Market merged with L&B Medical AB, and today Neotransport Europe AB (Perka Felländer, CEO) is the EU representative for Mansell Neocot™ products, and L&B is our partner in Sweden.

Our Track Record.

Several other key innovative products that represent our contribution to the biomedical tech field:

  • The first Pulsoximeter Nellcor N-100 (was used at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm).
  • First Temp was the original unique tympanic thermometer that was followed by the Genius thermometer. It was hugely successful and is still a leading technique today.
  • NEO2BLEND air and oxygen blender from Bio-Med Devices – utilized throughout Sweden.
  • NICO from Novametrix (later Respironics) was a monitor that could measure Cardiac Output non-invasively. The measurements were based on Ficks Princip with sensors that could measure CO2 concentration, airway pressure and flow.
  • BIPAP Vision from Respironics was a fantastic non-invasive ventilator used in the ICU setting. It followed the patient’s ventilation pattern, and by using this technique, many previously essential intubations could be avoided from then on.Biegler BW 585 and 685 blood and infusion warmer, which has the lowest running cost. – used at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm.
  • We first introduced Techoterm to the market. Techoterm technology allowed for the cooling of a newborn as part of treatment for hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Having pioneered the principal studies at Karolinska University Hospital, this method of cooling newborns has gone on to become another hugely successful innovation.
  • NeoBlue from Natus was the first bilirubin treatment LED lamp on the market.
  • We introduced Fabian neonatal ventilators and CPAPs from Acutronic, which remain today, one of the most used instruments in the neonatal ventilation field.
  • Monsoon III Jet Ventilator from Acutronic -a unique way to ventilate a patient with a Jet Catheter into the lung.
  • AnaConDa (Anaesthetic Conserving Device) from Sedana Medical was used for administration of Sevoflurane or Isoflurane to intubated patients – the main anaesthetics for long-term sedation in the ICU.
  • ABP from Spacelabs was the leading ambulatory blood pressure instrument on the market.
  • NOMAG from LMT Medical systems is the most impressive neonatal product in our portfolio. It is the first and only incubator capable of MRI imaging of neonates. The only existing NOMAG in Sweden is in Umeå at the University Hospital of Norrland.

Seeking Future Partnerships

NEOTRANSPORT Europe AB is also actively looking for further partnership opportunities across Europe, to enhance our product repertoire while enabling products that can demonstrate shared values and principles to leverage our outstanding track record within the industry.

Neocot™: innovation to product design

How did it all begin?

Professor John Grant-Thomson researched, designed and built a world-leading MIRF (Mobile Intensive Care Facility) for use by the Australian military.

Why Neocot

Wenross Holdings responds to the expressed needs of Australian and International clinical personnel, the Neocot™ is the preferred infant incubator system designed for transport and is increasingly acclaimed globally for its innovative features.

“The man who went from moon landings to saving the tiniest babies”

Professor John Grant-Thomson’s invention – the Neocot – has helped save the lives of thousands of premature babies. His miniature “ICU on wheels” transports sick babies from the most remote parts of Australia to critical care. This is the incredible story of John’s path: from NASA engineer to medical inventor and the treasured friendship he found along the way.

Source: ABC News Australia | YouTube