Power Lifter

Product Description

The Power Lifter

The Mansell Power Lifter (MPL) is an electrically powered, variable height lifting system designed specifically for loading and unloading patients and equipment into ambulance vehicles and some fixed or rotary-wing aircraft.

The Power Lifter can also be used for other transport incubators that use Life Port feet.

Designed for 1 person to operate easily

Easy to steer, with a low centre of gravity, and clear visibility for one person to operate alone.

Adjustable height for clinical needs

Instantly adjustable within the clinic setting, for practitioners of different heights  to allow for easy access.

The battery is built into the Power Lifter itself, and has enough power for a minimum of 30 fully extended lifts without recharge.

Short Power Lifter

There is also a short version of the Power Lifter for side-loading transportation.

*View the large image below for an example of Power Lifter unloading action

Versatile Transport Systems

Other versatile scenarios include the ability to securely slide a Neocot & Neodeck, using a Stryker stretcher, (e.g. out of the ambulance), onto a Power Lifter.

Key design features

-English & Swedish illustrations- 

Automatic loading & unloading

– Quick | easy | precise –

1. Unloading

Press play to watch the video demonstration of unloading a Neodeck out of an ambulance via the Power Lifter.

2. loading

Press play to watch the video demonstration of loading a Neodeck into an ambulance via the Power Lifter.

Side-unloading from an ambulance

– steps 1-4 illustrated left to right below –

Life Port Feature

The ‘Mansell Power Lifter’ can tilt up to lock directly to the aircraft for a near ‘zero lifting’ solution.

R.F.D.S Lifeflight (double retrieval). Royal Flying Doctors Service, Australia

Credit: Tim Wheeler / YouTube